Key Takeaways from Company Sponsored Volunteer Programs


Millennials have continued to mark their generation’s ideas in the workplace by tending to align with companies that share their philanthropic interests. When you really think about it, it is no surprise that companies have increased the amount of volunteer programs for the millennial demos in the workforce.

Studies have shown that millennials have a drastically different outlook on what they expect from their employment experience and are well educated, skilled in technology, and have plenty of energy. With this in mind, the workforce generation also prefers to work in teams and this also attributes to the their desire to give back to the community. It is interesting a see a generation’s work tendencies directly impact how they would like to see private institutions operate in their day to day lives.

Young talent is unlikely to stick around an organization that operates contrary to their personal values. Further, companies that support an employee’s efforts to advance causes they care about through volunteering programs stand to retain their talent.

The buzz around the volunteer impact that millennials value is definitely not a myth. The 2016 Millennial Impact Report found that 46% of respondents had volunteered for a cause affiliated with a social issue they care about in the past month, which is substantially higher than the average in previous generations.