Category: Fly Fishing

D.I.Y. Fly!

It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of fly fishing. It’s the perfect way to relax while getting in touch with our ancestral habits. After all, fishing in some form or another dates all the way back to the Paleolithic era. But what if you could take it one step further? Instead of heading to the local sporting good… Read more →

ForSight Fishing

With social unrest and upheaval at home, and humanitarian crises abroad, here’s a bit of news that is sure to brighten your day. For several years, ForSight Vision and Muddy Creek Trout Unlimited has been leading an expedition to Lower Chanceford Township in order take a group of blind children fishing. This isn’t an event for sport or subsistence– the… Read more →

Knowing the Fish

Ah, Fly Fishing – the time honored pastime of ancient roman authors, military officers, and the everyman. You may want to join in on this time honored tradition, too! But are you concerned or hesitant because you don’t know where to start? Got the gear but can’t find the fish? Know fish habits well, but no idea how to cast… Read more →