Have you ever gone outside, taken a fresh breath deep into your lungs, breathed out and wondered: “why does that feel so good?” Turns out it’s not just you, and it’s not a magical occurrence. Spending time outside can feel so rejuvenating for a myriad of scientific reasons.
Chloe Metzger of Health.com actually shared someof these benefits in a post a while back, and I encourage you to get in there and check it out. For those of us who love spending time outdoors, it will only strengthen your desire to do it more often. And for those that don’t? Well, it may be just what you need to get out of the door every once in a while. Considering an amble in the wild is linked to improving focus and putting the brakes on depression, saying that one-on-one time with nature is a “nice pastime with some benefits” is a terrible understatement.
It’s healthy, it helps you feel great, and the science is there to back it up.